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Child's Play Safety Video - Manual Handling. Tonight our members trained in Manual Handling risks and Child's Play delivers the powerful yet simple message that correct lifting and carrying techniques are essential if injury is to be avoided. The program is a Subject: Back care ; Manual tasks. Copies: 1. Abstract: In this short DVD, we watch young children lift and carry loads using proper lifting techniques.Health and Safety - Manual Handling - Child's Play in the Office - A Manual Handling Program. Home · Courses · Health and Safety - Manual Handling - Child's Child's Play – Manual Handling Video delivers the powerful yet simple message that correct lifting and carrying techniques are essential if injury is to be try restarting your device. Your browser can't play this video. Child's Play Safety - Manual Handling. 72 Feb 1, 2013 - Child's Play delivers the powerful yet simple message that correct lifting and carrying techniques are essential if injury is to be avoided. Oct 1, 2018 - Child's Play Manual Handling - Office Version - Safetycare Most of us are aware that bad lifting and carrying techniques are a major cause
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